Primal Colour - WEEKEND Online Workshop
September & October
Sliver Lining
(Photo: Vikk Shayen)
“Color is a power which directly influences the soul”
In her workshop, Yumi Umiumare introduces the fundamental method, discipline, and philosophy of Butoh (Dance of Darkness) and her own method of Butoh Cabaret, exploring the sense of lightness and humour. This online workshop will be facilitated and guided with various creative exercises, exploring the opportunities the domestic space and household objects proffer.
Through the artistic theme of ButohOUT!2020, “Primal Colour”, the workshop creates platforms for participants to explore their authentic coloured/uncoloured expressions through physical, visual and spatial experimentation.
Utilising the Zoom platform, this workshop also offers a unique opportunity for participants to learn from Yumi’s 30 years of experience, knowledge and wisdom as a Butoh dancer. You get to learn not only about the historical and global context of Butoh, but also how her Japanese Australian Butoh practices have been influenced, impacted and shaped by the landscape of the First Nations land, which we call Australia. Mini-lectures will also be offered in combination with images, videos and Yumi’s captivating story-telling.
Day 1 (Saturday)
Day 1 - Sat 17 Oct 2020
10-11:30am warm up/ movement exercise PART 1
5min break
11:35am-1pm movement exercise PART 2
1pm- 1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm-2:30pm Mini-lecture about the past history of Butoh
2:30pm-3:30pm Group experimentation
3:30pm-4pm wrap up & Q and A
Day2 - Sat 18 Oct 2020
10-11:30am warm up/ movement exercise PART 3
5min break
11:35am-1pm Movement exercise PART 4
1pm- 1:30pm Lunch break
1:30pm-2:30pm Mini-lecture about Yumi’s practice and aesthetic of Australian Japanese Butoh
2:30pm-3:30pm Group experimentation
3:30pm-4pm wrap up & Q and A
Various exercises of Butoh
· 水:Water exercises
· 重力:Gravity and Suspension
· 体の部分:Isolation exercises
· 間:Ma - Space , Active pause
· 運ぶ:Be carried by the space/ shadow
· 真似る:Copy
· 獣・動物 Animal
· 面:Mask
· 割る/笑う:Crack/Laughter
· 想像・創造:Image works ー>creation
· 振り付け:Butoh choreography
> September
26 Sat & 27 Sun
> October
17 Sat & 18 Sun
(GMT+10: Sydney/Melbourne time)
(incl. 30 mins lunch break)
Yumi Umiumare
(two days)
$20 - flat rate
(for 2 lectures only)
*If you have any finical difficulties, please talk to us.
> SEPTEMBER - Trybooking
> OCTOBER - Trybooking
*the zoom link will be sent upon the completion of payment (different link between Sep & Oct session).
a. The same structures and content will be offered in both workshops (Sep & Oct). However, there are always different elements due to Yumi’s creative spontaneity :). So, you are welcome to participate in both.
b. No dance background is required.
c. If you are a carer of your family members, they can also join with you!