ButohOUT! 2019
”Forbidden Laughter”
ButohOUT! 2019 is a festival to celebrate creative communities in Victoria and beyond through the profound performance art medium of Butoh. Originally called Dance of Darkness, Butoh was conceived in Japan in the late 50’s and early 60’s, during the social turmoil after the war.
Co-produced by Japanese-Australian artists Yumi Umiumare and Takashi Takiguchi, ButohOUT! 2019 will challenge the commonly held conception of Butoh as dark and grotesque and ask:
“Can the audience laugh at Butoh?”,
“Can we do comedy in Butoh?”
In partnership with Abbotsford Convent Foundation, the two-month program consisting of public workshops, performance and discussion groups will run between March and May 2019. Following successful festivals in 2017 and 2018, ButohOUT! 2019, with the theme ‘Forbidden Laughter’, will focus on surreal comedy from multi-disciplinary performance mediums including Butoh, Cabaret, Bouffon, Burlesque, Physical Theatre and visual installations.
Please join and explore your body to bring out ‘Spirit of Butoh’ at ButohOUT! 2019
Yumi Umiumare
Artistic Director
Takashi Takiguchi
Photo: Vikk Shayen