#3 Weekend Workshop: Butoh Master Atsushi Takenouchi accompany by Hiroko Komiya | Mar 2025


Photo: Jordi Lagoutte (Emotion Seed 2015)

ButohOUT! 2025
ButohBAR 番狂わせ

2-Day Weekend: Butoh Master Atsushi Takenouchi accompany by Hiroko Komiya

“Life of Flower.
You are the only flower in the world.
Giving a birth to the flower, blossoming the flower.
Flower opens life.
Flower is a soft body revolution.
Flower is love.
To open to universe with passing through darkness to brightness,
passing through life and death.
Flower always circulates life.
Flower continues opening.
A life of a flower draws the circle with the universe.”

- Atsushi Takenouchi


Atsushi Takenouchi, a global legend in Butoh based in Italy, is coming to Melbourne to lead a special weekend Butoh workshop, accompanied by live music from his long-time collaborator, Hiroko Komiya.

He will introduce the classic aspects of Butoh through his unique Jinen Butoh style. Jinen is an old Japanese word, signifying something larger than nature itself. In some Western thought, ‘Man’ exists above ‘Nature,’ with a separation between Nature, Man, and God. In Jinen, however, all things are interconnected—within each life resides a god.

Atsushi will guide participants through his life’s work, Life of Flower, exploring the many ‘flowers’ 花 through body and movement. He will also lead them in creating a final performance based on the workshop content, using a simple structure with guided improvisation.

Participants will have the opportunity to join an outdoor group performance during ButohOUT! 2025, as part of the AsiaTOPA festival in March 2025. (Optional)

This workshop welcomes both experienced practitioners and those new to Butoh who are ready to dive into the creative process.


1 (Sat) and 2 (Sun) March
10am - 4:30 pm

Abbotsford Convent
Industrial School
1 St Heliers St,
Google Map



ButohOUT! 2025
Workshop Listing

WS #1
Weekly Training: Through Butoh & Beyond
21 Jan - 18 Feb
@ St Mary Anglican Church Hall
$140 for all sessions
$30 for drop in

WS #2
2-Day Weekend: Visual, Text and Body through Magic of Butoh
8 (Sat) and 9 (Sun) Feb
10am - 4:30 pm
@ LGI studio, North Melbourne

WS #3
2-Day Weekend: Butoh Master Atushi Takenouchi accompany by Hiroko Komiya
1 (Sat) and 2 (Sun) March
@Industrial School, Abbotsford Convent

Combo Discount
All in one - WS#1, 2 & 3 / $700
2 WS-Type 1 - WS1 & 2 / $400
2 WS-Type 2 - WS1 & 3 / $420
2 WS-Type 3 - WS2 & 3 / $570

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