Peek-A-Butoh | Workshop for Kids - June 2023
Photo: Toshiki Tanaka
Yumi Umiumare
Jacqui Stockdale
Sat 24 & Sun 25
June 2023
10am - 11:15am (75 mins)
(same contents for both sessions)
Venue: The Salon
Visitor/Access Info
$5 per child
*parents and carers attend for free!
0478 634 052
Peek-A-Butoh: Thirsty Tea Monster presented by Convent Kids
Your chance to be part of a playful tea ceremony and dance with a Tea Monster!
Playful rituals summoning a Thirsty Tea Monster through Butoh; Japanese dance and fun masks and objects making!
Step inside the playful and imaginative world of Japanese Butoh, led by renowned performance artist Yumi Umiumare and established visual artist, Jacqui Stockdale.
You can experience the surreal fun of Butoh dance, playful rituals and games, as well as fun making mask and objects.
Get ready to move and shake, create funny shapes with your body and face and jump headfirst into a world of transformation and shape-shifting.
The artists will cheerfully guide you to create your own fun ‘tea ceremony’ with masks and tea cups to find imaginative tea spirits and monster!
This family-friendly workshop is suitable for children and people of all ages.
All materials will be provided.